Re-Cladding Leaky Homes


Allied Exteriors has gained extensive experience repairing leaky homes and leaky buildings over the last five years. We have repaired many stand-alone leaky homes and leaky buildings. Installation of exterior cladding systems is our specialist area of trade along with developing leaky home repair solutions for our clients.

 Before Re-clad

After Re-clad 

Finding out your home is suffering from leaky building syndrome and requires major remedial work is a stressful and difficult time for leaky homeowners. It is not always easy to know what advice you need, what leaky building repair solutions are available and where is the best place to start when it comes to repairing your leaky home. We have gained a lot of experience and knowledge in leaky building repair and can provide sound practical advice regarding your remedial options.

Allied Exteriors specialises in the following aspects of the leaky building repair process:-

Project Management

Allied assigns a contract manager to oversee each leaky building repair contract and co-ordinates the work and personnel required to ensure the job is completed to our high quality standards on-time and on-budget. The Project Manager is the primary point of contact for the home owner and will liase with the home owner on a regular basis during the project.     

Cladding Removal and Weather Protection

Allied employees undertake the exterior cladding removal process and ensures the existing structure is protected from the weather during the leaky building repair process and until the building works are made weathertight again.

Building Repair Work

Allied employees undertake the leaky building repair works including the removal and replacement of rotten or decayed timber, alteration of problematic building details, removal and reinstatement of exterior joinery and in-situ treatment of existing timber framing.

New Cladding Installation

Allied employees install the insulation, new building wrap and waterproofing to get the building ready for the new cladding system. Once the building is signed off by the Council, the new cladding system can be installed. Typically, the new cladding system will be either weatherboard or a new generation plaster cladding system on a cavity. We have specialist installation teams for each cladding system and a dedicated painting division to complete the painting work.  

Other Services

Allied Exteriors works closely with Designers and Building Consultants specialising in the leaky building repair process and can organise the building consent documentation and certification required for re-cladding projects at very competitive rates.

For more information on recladding see our Frequently Asked Questions page. To discuss your re-cladding requirements contact us on (09) 479 8901 or visit our premises at 19A Triton Drive, Albany.